CA Transparency Act
California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010
Liliana & Oliver LLC, expects that its suppliers, manufacturers, contractors, subcontractors, and any other person who is involved in supervising the manufacture and supply of LILIANA & OLIVER LLC products (“Suppliers”), will share LILIANA & OLIVER LLC's commitment to honesty, safety, and legal and ethical behavior.
LILIANA & OLIVER LLC is committed to preventing child, forced or trafficked labor in its supply chain and has taken the following steps in support of this commitment:
Liliana & Oliver LLC internally verifies its supply chains and monitors the factories that produce LILIANA & OLIVER LLC branded products. We visit the factories that produce our products as well as rely on third party auditors to help ensure the quality and socially responsible manufacture of our products, including evaluating the risk of human trafficking and slavery.
We are implementing a compliance program, including employee and management training with respect to mitigating the risk of human trafficking and slavery in supply chains.